Delivering an
Independent Economic
Review for Lancashire.

The Lancashire Independent Economic Review is being directed by an Independent Panel, made up of experts from a range of fields. It is being chaired by Rowena Burns, the Chair of Health Innovation Manchester.

The purpose of the Review is to give Lancashire an expert, external perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the local economy.

The evidence, narrative and policy recommendations that emerge will inform future asks of government and the way agencies locally organise themselves to deliver environmentally responsible and inclusive growth.

The Review will define the economic agenda for Lancashire for the next ten years, showing how the area can build on its world-beating strengths and tackle its economic challenges.

It will proactively engage with Central Government, highlighting the investments that can build productivity and prosperity in Lancashire, and in the process, the United Kingdom.

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Throughout the first half of 2021, the Review will be examining all the relevant evidence.
A Call for Evidence has been launched to gather responses from a breadth of stakeholders, including business, the public, and major institutions such as councils and universities. Only by listening to the voices of those who live and work in Lancashire day-in, day-out, can the Panel fully understand where the most important priorities lie.

In addition, the Review has commissioned targeted research reports into some of the central issues: economic inclusion and exclusion, priority sectors, infrastructure development, and the economic linkages both within Lancashire, and to places outside of it. Climate change is a key focus – with a separate environment commission being set up to explore this.

The Review will publish an interim report in Spring 2021, which people will be invited to respond to. The final report, containing recommendations from the panel, will be published in Summer 2021. After this a series of public engagement events will be held, with details being published here in due course.

Local partners will be responding to the recommendations of the IER, with it being used to inform key strategy documents such as the Greater Lancashire Plan. It will also be used as the basis for discussions with Government about how Lancashire can be supported to thrive.

The Terms of Reference for the Review are the same as those questions being put to the public in the Call for Evidence.

The Lancashire Independent Economic Review (IER) is led and funded by Lancashire County Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Blackpool Council and the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership on behalf of Lancashire Leaders*.

* Lancashire Leaders comprises the leaders of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Blackpool Council, Burnley Borough Council, Chorley Borough Council, Fylde Borough Council, Hyndburn Borough Council, Lancashire County Council, Lancaster City Council, Pendle Borough Council, Preston City Council, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Rossendale Borough Council, South Ribble Borough Council, West Lancashire Borough Council, Wyre Borough Council and the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership.

I look forward to working with partners, organisations and local people to ensure the review offers a representative and credible analysis, and a firm foundation for Lancashire’s recovery and future development.

Rowena Burns, chair of the Independent Panel